
Ref. Header
Ref. Process
Element | Lv | Definition | Description | Card | Max | Content | XML element |
MasterDataMetering Point Event | 1 | MasterData Metering point event class | 1..9999 | PayloadMasterdataMPEvent | |||
Identification | 2 | Identification of the individual payload. | 0..1 | A36 | UUID | Identification | |
Original Business Document Reference | 2 | The identification of the message which this message is a response to, if any. | 0..1 | A36 | UUID | OriginalBusinessDocumentReference | |
Start of occurrence | 2 | The valid start date and time for the MasterData. | The fields StartOfOccurence and EndOfOccurence represent the valid start and end date for the specific payload. If the message is used to communicate changes over time on a metering point, several payloads will be used to represent the state of the metering point for each time period. In this case the payloads in the message will always relate to the same metering point. If the message is used to communicate estimated annual consumption in BRS-NO-317 it may contain payloads for different metering points. | 1..1 | YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ or YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS[+-][HH:MM] | StartOfOccurrence | |
End of occurrence | 2 | The valid end date and time for the MasterData. | 0..1 | YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ or YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS[+-][HH:MM] | EndOfOccurrence | ||
Metering Point | 2 | Identification of the metering point | 1..1 | MeteringPointUsedDomainLocation | |||
Identification | 3 | Unique identification of the metering point. | Global Service Relationship Number (GSRN) from GS1 is used for identification of metering points. | 1..1 | A18 | Identification | |
schemeAgencyIdentifier | 3 | Attribute to the identification of the metering point | Identification of the agency maintaining the metering point identification. | 1..1 | A1 | 9 | schemeAgencyIdentifier |
Metering Point Address | 2 | Metering point address | 0..1 | MPAddressMeteringPointAddress | |||
Street name | 3 | Name of street | 0..1 | A150 | StreetName | ||
Street code | 3 | This may be set to the code identifying a street within a municipality (according to the reference provided by the Norwegian Mapping Authority). | Mainly included for compatibility with ebIX. | 0..1 | A10 | StreetCode | |
Building number | 3 | Building number in street | 0..1 | A10 | BuildingNumber | ||
Floor identification | 3 | Floor identification in building | 0..1 | A10 | FloorIdentification | ||
Room identification | 3 | Room identification in building | 0..1 | A10 | RoomIdentification | ||
Post code | 3 | Post code linked to the city name | 1..1 | A10 | Postcode | ||
City name | 3 | Name of city | 1..1 | A50 | CityName | ||
City sub division name | 3 | A sub-division of the city name. Not used for addresses in Norway, although the location exists. | Mainly included for compatibility with ebIX. | 0..1 | A50 | CitySubDivisionName | |
Municipality code | 3 | Code to identify the municipality the address belongs to | The Norwegian municipality code follows a string[4] format specification and has currently values from 0101 to 2030. | 0..1 | A10 | MunicipalityCode | |
Country | 3 | Country code | The country code according to ISO 3166-1 alpha-2. | 1..1 | A2 | CountryCode | |
listAgencyIdentifier | 3 | Attribute to the country code | Identification of the agency maintaining the codelist used for country codes . | 1..1 | A1 | listAgencyIdentifier | |
FreeForm | 3 | A free form representation of this address, expressed as text | 0..1 | A100 | AddressFreeForm | ||
Metering Point Geographical Coordinate | 2 | Geographical coordinates of the Meter connected to the Metering Point | WGS84 scheme should be used for GPS coordinates. | 0..1 | MPPositionMeteringPointGeographicalCoordinate | ||
Latitude | 3 | The latitude part of the coordinate | 1..1 | Decimal (8.5) | Latitude | ||
Longitude | 3 | The longitude part of the coordinate | 1..1 | Decimal (8.5) | Longitude | ||
Metering Point Address Cadastral | 2 | The address cadastral | In Norwegian this is Gårdsnr (Gnr), Bruksnr (Bnr), Seksjonsnr (Snr), Festenr (Fnr) | 0..1 | MPAddressCadastral | ||
Gårdsnummer | 3 | Specific location parameter as governed (in Norway) by the Norwegian Mapping Authority. | 1..1 | A10 | Gnr | ||
Bruksnummer | 3 | Specific location parameter as governed (in Norway) by the Norwegian Mapping Authority. | 1..1 | A10 | Bnr | ||
Seksjonsnummer | 3 | Specific location parameter as governed (in Norway) by the Norwegian Mapping Authority. | 0..1 | A10 | Snr | ||
Festenummer | 3 | Specific location parameter as governed (in Norway) by the Norwegian Mapping Authority. | 0..1 | A10 | Fnr | ||
Balance Supplier | 2 | Identification of the balance supplier on the metering point | 0..1 | BalanceSupplierInvolvedEnergyParty | |||
Identification | 3 | Unique identification of the balance supplier. | All parties are identified by using Global Location Number (GLN). | 1..1 | A13 | Identification | |
schemeAgencyIdentifier | 3 | Attribute to the identification of the balance supplier | Identification of the agency maintaining the identification of balance suppliers. | 1..1 | A1 | 9 | schemeAgencyIdentifier |
Customer | 2 | Identification and name of the customer on the metering point | 0..1 | ConsumerInvolvedCustomerParty | |||
Identification | 3 | Identification of the customer. | Company customer: Organization number | 0..1 | A11 | Identification | |
schemeAgencyIdentifier | 3 | Attribute to the identification of the customer | Identification of the agency maintaining the identification of customers. | 1..1 | A3 | schemeAgencyIdentifier | |
Name | 3 | Customer name | Name of company | 0..1 | A80 | Name | |
Given name | 3 | First name of customer | Household customer ,first name | 0..1 | A80 | GivenName | |
Family name | 3 | Family name of customer | Household customer ,family name | 0..1 | A40 | FamilyName | |
Extended storage of metering values | 3 | Indicator if the end-user wants extended storage of metering values | Standard is three years. Extended storage is 10 years. | 1..1 | boolean | true/false | ExtendedStorageMeteringValues |
Communication | 3 | Means for communication with the customer | 0..99 | Communication | |||
Communication channel | 4 | The code specifying the channel or manner in which a communication can be made, such as telephone or email. | Valid codes: | 1..1 | A7 | CommunicationChannel | |
Identification | 4 | A text string that make up the complete identification for this communication such as telephone number or email address | 1..1 | A100 | CompleteNumber | ||
Description | 4 | Description of the communication with the customer | 0..1 | A100 | Description | ||
Metering Grid Area | 2 | Identification of the metering grid area the Metering Point is connected to | 0..1 | MeteringGridAreaUsedDomainLocation | |||
Identification | 3 | Unique identification of the metering grid area. | EIC-Y code from ENTSO-E is used for identification of metering grid areas. | 1..1 | A16 | Identification | |
schemeAgencyIdentifier | 3 | Attribute to the identification of the metering grid area | Identification of the agency maintaining the metering grid area identification. | 1..1 | A3 | 305 | schemeAgencyIdentifier |
Metering Point Characteristics | 2 | Metering point characteristics | 0..1 | MpDetailMeteringPointCharacteristic | |||
Metering Point type | 3 | A code specifying the direction of the active energy flow in this Metering Point, such as consumption, production. | Codes according to ebIX. | 0..1 | A3 | MeteringPointType | |
listAgencyIdentifier | 3 | Attribute to the metering point type | Identification of the agency maintaining metering point types. | 1..1 | A3 | 260 | listAgencyIdentifier |
Metering point subtype consumption | 3 | A code specifying the type of consumption for consumption metering points. | Valid codes: Ref. Subtype Consumption | 0..1 | A3 | MeteringPointSubTypeConsumption | |
listAgencyIdentifier | 3 | Attribute to the metering point subtype consumption element | Identification of the agency maintaining metering point subtype consumption codes | 1..1 | A2 | 89 | listAgencyIdentifier |
Metering point subtype production | 3 | A code specifying the type of production for production metering points. | Valid codes: Ref. Subtype Production | 0..1 | A3 | MeteringPointSubTypeProduction | |
listAgencyIdentifier | 3 | Attribute to the metering point subtype production element | Identification of the agency maintaining metering point subtype production codes | 1..1 | A2 | 89 | listAgencyIdentifier |
Meter Reading Characteristics | 3 | A code specifying how the Metered Data Collector collects data from the Meter for this Metering Point, such as Automatic or Manually. | Valid codes: | 0..1 | A3 | MeterReadingCharacteristics | |
listAgencyIdentifier | 3 | Attribute to the meter reading characteristics | Identification of the agency maintaining meter reading characteristics codes. | 1..1 | A3 | 260 | listAgencyIdentifier |
Settlement Method | 3 | A code specifying how the energy volumes are treated for settlement for this Metering Point, such as profiled or non-profiled | Codes according or Elhub. | 0..1 | A3 | SettlementMethodType | |
listAgencyIdentifier | 3 | Attribute to the settlement method | Identification of the agency maintaining settlement methods | 1..1 | A3 | listAgencyIdentifier | |
Physical Status of Metering Point | 3 | A code specifying if the installation of the Metering Point is physically connected to the grid | Codes according to ebIX. | 0..1 | A3 | PhysicalStatusType | |
listAgencyIdentifier | 3 | Attribute to the physical status type | Identification of the agency maintaining physical statuses | 1..1 | A3 | 260 | listAgencyIdentifier |
Load limit | 3 | Load limit on the metering point | The maximum load in kW in a consumption m etering point a specific point in time. If stored as Ampere in the source system this must be converted to effect. | 0..1 | I9 | ContractedConnectionCapacityValue | |
Installed capacity | 3 | Installed capacity for production metering points | Installed capacity, or maximum effect, is the intended full-load sustained output of a facility such as a power plant. | 0..1 | I9 | InstalledCapacity | |
Meter reading start date | 3 | Start date of meter reading | Use together with meter reading frequency (ref. below) to calculate next planned meter reading | 0..1 | dateTime | MeterReadingStartDate | |
Meter reading frequency | 3 | The expected reading interval for a manually read meter point in number of readings per year | 0..1 | I4 | MeterReadingFrequencyDuration | ||
Description | 3 | For consumption metering points: Free text description of the metering point. Optional. | 0..1 | A80 | Description | ||
Priority | 3 | Code to indicate if the metering point is interruptible or not | Valid codes: Ref. Priority codes | 0..1 | A1 | Priority | |
Blocked for switching | 3 | Indicator to block the metering point from switching of balance supplier | True if the metering point is blocked for switching | 0..1 | boolean | true/false | BlockedForSwitching |
Meter Reading Occurrence | 3 | See EIM Målepunkt | 0..1 | PT15M/PT1H/PT5M/PT60M | MeterReadingOccurrence | ||
Estimated annual consumption | 2 | kWh for consumption. Updated for profiled metering points | 0..1 | AnnualPeriodEstimatedMetrics | |||
Total | 3 | Expected consumption value | 1..1 | I12 | Total | ||
Calculation method | 3 | Code to indicate how the EAC is calculated | Valid codes. Ref. Calculation Method | 1..1 | A9 | CalculationMethod | |
Meter information | 2 | Information regarding the meter connected to the Metering Point | 0..1 | MeteringInstallationMeterFacility | |||
Meter Identification | 3 | Identification number of the meter at the metering point | 1..1 | A18 | MeterIdentification | ||
Number of digits | 3 | Number of significant digits on a profiled/manually read meter | 0..1 | I2 | NumberOfDigits | ||
Meter constant | 3 | Value to convert the register read to actual consumption/production | 0..1 | Decimal | Constant | ||
Meter location | 3 | Description of the meter location | 0..1 | A80 | MeterLocation | ||
Taxation Profile | 2 | Information regarding various tax elements on the metering point | 0..1 | MPTaxationProfile | |||
VAT Code | 3 | Code to indicate the Value Added Tax percentage. | Valid codes: Ref. Vat Code | 0..1 | A1 | VATCode | |
Enova fee type | 3 | Type of the Enova fee: Fixed or dependent on consumption | Codes: | 0..1 | A20 | Fixed or | EnovaFeeType |
Enova fee share | 3 | The share of the volume which will be used for the Enova fee calculations (in percentage points) | 0..1 | Decimal | EnovaFee | ||
El fee share | 3 | The share of the volume which will be used for the El fee calculations (in percentage points) | 0..1 | Decimal | ElFee | ||
El certificate share | 3 | The share of the volume which will be used for El-certificate calculations (in percentage points) | 0..1 | Decimal | ElCertificateShare | ||
ConsumptionCode | 3 | Code describing the consumption in the metering point | Ref. Consumption Code | 0..1 | A10 | ConsumptionCode | |
NACE DivisionCode | 3 | The DivisionCode ("Næringskode") of the customer. | Valid codes. Ref. NACE Division Codes (Næringskode) | 0..1 | A10 | NACE_DivisionCode | |
Measurement Definition | 2 | Specification of the characteristics of the metering taking place on the metering point. | 0..99 | MeasurementDefinition | |||
Product Included Product Characteristics | 3 | Product Included Product Characteristics Complex Type | 1..1 | ProductIncludedProductCharacteristics | |||
Product | 4 | Identification of an energy product such as power, energy, reactive power, transport capacity, etc. | This identifies the product for which the time series is reporting. | 1..1 | A13 | Identification | |
schemeAgencyIdentifier | 4 | Attribute to the Product | Identification of the agency issuing the identifiers used for energy products | 1..1 | A1 | 9 | schemeAgencyIdentifier |
Unit type | 4 | The unit of measure that is applied to the quantities in which the metering values are expressed. | Valid codes: Ref. Unit Type | 1..1 | A5 | UnitType | |
Direction | 3 | A code specifying the direction of the energy flow. | Valid codes: | 1..1 | A3 | In/Out | Direction |
Resolution | 3 | Code for the resolution of the metering values | 1..1 | A5 | PT60M/PT1H/ PT15M/N | Resolution | |
Exclude From Settlement | 3 | See EIM Målepunkt | 0..1 | boolean | true/false | ExcludeFromSettlement |