BRS-NO-502 - Reporting data for Imbalance Settlement
Imbalance Settlement is run daily and is performed per usage date. Reporting to ISR for the usage date D will normally be done on D+2 to D+5. Elhub will freeze the values and send the final report to the ISR on D+5, but can postpone sending the final report until D+13 in the case of severe errors.
A preliminary report is sent to the ISR before 10:00 on D+2. The final report is reported to ISR before 12:00 on D+5. The deadline set by the ISR for the final report is 12:00 on D+13.
Elhub reports the following to the ISR for the Imbalance Settlement with the same resolution as the Imbalance Settlement Period (ISP) (Either 60-minute or 15-minute resolution):
Production per Production Metering Point
Exchange between neighboring MGAs
Aggregated metered consumption per Balance Supplier in each MGA
Aggregated production for combined metering points per Balance Supplier in each MGA
Aggregated profiled consumption per Balance Supplier in each MGA
Grid Losses in each MGA (including reference to Balance Supplier)
Metered Consumption in Pumped Hydro (including reference to Balance Supplier)
Metered Consumption in Pumped Storage (including reference to Balance Supplier)
For more details on reporting to ISR, see eSett Handbook. The same set of data is also made with the relevant parts to Balance Responsible Party, Balance Supplier.
A BRS-NO-502 message is sent to Balance Supplier and Balance Responsible Party every day for every D+x day. The messages contain all aggregated series related to the Balance Supplier/Balance Responsible Party. The Balance Responsible Party will get a copy of the messages sent to their Balance Suppliers and a separate message with aggregated sums for the Balance Responsible Party per MGA. For details see: Avregningsgrunnlag for balanseavregningen | BRS-NO-502---Reporting-data-for-Imbalance-Settlement
In addition the Balance suppliers will get access to the same aggregated data in Elhub Web Portal.
Process Flow and Information Exchange

Sequence: Reporting data for Imbalance Settlement
Starting state
The process is time triggered and will normally run each day between 07:00 and 12:00, D+1 around 07:10, D+2 to D+4 around 08:40, and D+5 around 10:00. Elhub will freeze the values and send the final report to the ISR on D+5, but can postpone sending the final report until D+13 in the case of severe errors
Process Sequences
This refers to BRS for ISR/eSett [4].
The process is time triggered. The preliminary report should be finished and reported to the ISR before 10:00 D+2. The final report should be finished and reported to the ISR before 12:00 D+5. Data is only reported if there are no validation errors or when the validations are manually approved.
Elhub can perform additional reporting to ISR at any time during the day on demand or time triggered.
Elhub performs the following aggregations with the same resolution as in the imbalance settlement calculations:
Production per Production Unit
Total exchange between neighbouring MGA
Aggregated consumption for settled metering points per Balance Supplier in each MGA
Aggregated production per production type per balance supplier in each MGA
The aggregated time series care sent to the ISR as soon as they are complete and approved.
Elhub calculates the Grid Losses and Profiled Adjusted Load Profile (PJIP) for the MGA. Elhub calculates Preliminary Volumes in the ISP resolution for all profiled metering points in the MGA. These will be aggregated per Balance Supplier in each MGA. Grid losses and aggregated profiled consumption per Balance Supplier in each MGA is sent to the ISR. Consumption in Pumped Hydro and Pumped Storage is reported separately
The imbalance settlement process is run daily D+1 - D+5, but data is only reported to the ISR on D+2 and D+5. The last version of each time series used in the report to the ISR is marked in the database to be used in reconcilliation. All time series sent to the ISR are also sent to the respective Balance Responsible Party and Balance Supplier, as aggregated values per MGA. The Balance Responsible Party will get a copy of the messages sent to their Balance Suppliers and a separate message with aggregated sums for the Balance Responsible Party per MGA.
A list of all the aggregated data sent to Balance Responsible Party and Balance Supplier can be seen here: For details, see: Avregningsgrunnlag for balanseavregningen | BRS-NO-502---Reporting-data-for-Imbalance-Settlement
In addition the Balance suppliers will get access to the same aggregated data in Elhub Web Portal.
Validation Rules
In this process there is only Elhub sending messages. No messages will be received for validation.
Description | Sender | Receiver | Deadline | Comment |
All final series to ISR | Elhub | ISR | D+13 at 12:00, normally Elhub will freeze the status on D+5 at 10:00 and send it before 12:00 on D+5. | |
All preliminary series to ISR | Elhub | ISR | D+2 before 10:00 | We only send series for the grid areas that pass the Elhub validations descirbed in Avregningsgrunnlag for balanseavregningen. |
All preliminary and final series to Balance Supplier/Balance Responsible Party | Elhub | Balance Supplier/Balance Responsible Party |
| We only send series for the grid areas that pass the Elhub validations descirbed in Avregningsgrunnlag for balanseavregningen. |
References between Process and Transactions
The table below presents all messages in the Sequence Diagrams above, with reference to section and message specifications in Elhub BIM Business Information Model.
Process component | Parameter | Message | Document type | Reason |
36 - Report settlement basis per MGA to Balance Settlement Responsible | Defined in eSett BRS | E31 – Aggregate metered data | E44 = Imbalance settlement | |
37 - Report settlement basis per neighboring grid to Balance Settlement Responsible | Defined in eSett BRS | E31 – Aggregate metered data | E44 = Imbalance settlement | |
20 - NotifyValidatedDataForBillingEnergy | E31 – Aggregate metered data | BRS-NO-502 - Reporting data for Imbalance Settlement |