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Acknowledgement of received Messages

Elhub will only send positive Acknowledgement message back to the sender of the message if it is requested in the header of the incoming message.

For negative Acknowledgement, ref. Validation

Ref. Acknowledgement for a complete description of the content of the acknowledgement message.

Acknowledgement of "polled" message

Elhub must know that data that has been returned as a response to a PollForData message has been successfully received. After the received data has been persisted in the receiving system, a positive Acknowledgement message must be sent to Elhub. The Acknowledgement message must specify the outer "Identification" value from the polling result in "Original Business Document Refrence" in the Acknowledgement message. The identification from the polling result will be an identification that applies to all business messages returned from a polling as a polling can return more than one business message.

Partial Acknowledgement of the result from a PollForData by specifying the identification of one of the inner business message in the polling result is not allowed.

Sending a negative Acknowledgement message to Elhub is not allowed in the context of polling messages.

Code usage

Element name


Code list


Document Type




Business Process

Ref. Description


The same code as on the original business document is returned in the Acknowledgement document

Business Process Role

Ref. Description


The same code as on the original business document is returned in the Acknowledgement document

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