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Test IDSYS-SLR104-01
DescriptionCreate, activate and move in on 50 non-profiled consumption metering points


PreconditionsMetering points should not exist in Elhub 

50 metering points should be created and activated
Metering points should be non-profiled
Metering points should be consumption 
Metering points should have active contract with grid access provider

Test stepsExpected Result
  1. Send BRS-NO-121 til Elhub
  • Message: RequestUpdateMasterDataMeteringPoint
  • Document type: E58
Request is successfully sent
2. Receive positive acknowledgement to DDM (optional)
  • Document type: 294
Positive acknowledgement is received to DDM

3. Send BRS-NO-122 to Elhub

  • Message: RequestUpdateMasterDataMeteringPoint
  • Document type: E58
Request is successfully sent

4. Receive positive acknowledgement to DDM (optional)

  • Document type: 294
Positive acknowledgement is received to DDM

5. Send BRS-NO-123 to Elhub

  • Message: RequestStartOfSupply
  • Document type: 392
Request is successfully sent

6. Receive ConfirmStartOfSupply to DDM (optional)

  • Document type: 414
ConfirmStartOfSupply is received to DDM

7. Receive NotifyStartOfSupply to DDM

  • Document type: 414
NotifyStartOfSupply is received to DDM
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