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SYS-DDQ211-02 Correction of move out date - from grid owner


NB! In cases where the Ediel portal is operating as Grid Access Provider, the cancellation deadline will always be the day after initiation day.


Test IDSYS-DDQ211-02







Metering point should have metering point status E22 (active) in Elhub


The end date on the balance supply contract has been corrected


Test stepsExpected Result

1. Send BRS-NO-103 to Elhub

  • Message: RequestStartOfSupply
  • Document type: 392
Request is successfully sent

2. Receive ConfirmStartOfSupply to DDQ (optional)

  • Document type: 294
ConfirmStartOfSupply is received to DDQ

3. Receive NotifyStartOfSupply to DDQ

  • Document type: 414
NotifyStartOfSupply is received to DDQ

4. DDM sends BRS-NO-211 to Elhub

  • The Ediel portal is operating as Grid Access Provider
Request is successfully sent from the Ediel portal to Elhub 

5. Receive NotifyEndOfSupply to DDQ after cancellation deadline

  • Document type: 406

NotifyEndOfSupply is received to DDQ


6. DDM sends BRS-NO-211 to Elhub

  • The Ediel portal is operating as Grid Access Provider
Request is successfully sent from the Ediel portal to Elhub 

7. Receive NotifyEndOfSupply to DDQ

  • Document type: 406
 NotifyEndOfSupply is received to DDQ



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