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SYS-DDQ111-01 Rollback - start of supply - change of supplier

Test IDSYS-DDQ111-01




Metering point should have metering point status E22 (active) in Elhub

The metering point should have an active end user

The current balance supplier should not be the initiating balance supplier


The initiating balance supplier does not have active contract on the metering point

Test stepsExpected Result

1. Send BRS-NO-101 to Elhub

  • Message: RequestStartOfSupply
  • Document type: 392
Request is successfully sent

2. Receive ConfirmStartOfSupply to DDQ (optional)

  • Document type: 294
ConfirmStartOfSupply is received to DDQ

3. Receive NotifyStartOfSupply to DDQ after cancellation deadline

  • Document type: 414
NotifyStartOfSupply is received to DDQ

4. Send BRS-NO-111 til Elhub

    • Message: RequestStartOfSupply
    • Document type: E02
Request is successfully sent

2. Receive ConfirmStartOfSupply to DDQ (optional)

  • Document type: E02
ConfirmStartOfSupply is received to DDQ



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