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Test IDSYS-DDQ102-04
DescriptionSend a move in on an inactive metering point



Metering point should be consumption, non profiled and have metering point status 'Inactive' in Elhub


The metering point status is still 'Inactive' in Elhub and no new balance supply contract is created for the metering point in DDQ's system

Test stepsExpected Result
  1. DDQ sends BRS-NO-102 to Elhub
  • Message: RequestStartOfSupply
  • Document type: 392
Message is successfully sent

2. Receive ConfirmStartOfSupply to DDQ (optional)

  • Document type: 414
ConfirmStartOfSupply is received to DDQ

3. DDM sends RejectStartOfSupply with error code "EH095 - Metering point cannot be activated" to Elhub

  • The Ediel portal is operating as Grid Access Provider (DDM)
RejectStartOfSupply is sent to Elhub by DDM
4. DDQ receive RejectStartOfSupply with error code "EH095 - Metering point cannot be activatedRejectStartOfSupply is received to DDQ
5. Verify that DDQ's system is updated correctlyMetering point is still inactive in Elhub and no new balance supply contract is created for the metering point
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