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SYS-DDM122-01 Create and activate production metering point

Test IDSYS-DDM122-01
DescriptionCreate and activate a production metering point


PreconditionsMetering point must not exist in Elhub 

A non-profiled, production metering point is created and activated

Test stepsExpected Result
  1. Send BRS-NO-121 til Elhub
  • Message: RequestUpdateMasterDataMeteringPoint
  • Document type: E58
Request is successfully sent
2. Receive positive acknowledgement to DDM (optional)
  • Document type: 294
Positive Acknowledgement is received to DDM

3. Send BRS-NO-122 to Elhub

  • Message: RequestUpdateMasterDataMeteringPoint
  • Document type: E58
Request is successfully sent

4. Receive positive acknowledgement to DDM (optional)

  • Document type: 294
Positive Acknowledgement is received to DDM

5. Verify that DDM's system is updated correctly

Metering point is created and activated
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