SYS-DDM101-01 Receive information from Change of supplier
Test ID | SYS-DDM101-01 |
Description | Receive information from Change of Supplier from Balance supplier |
BRS's | BRS-NO-101 |
Roles | DDM, DDQ |
Preconditions | Metering point must have status active (E22) in Elhub |
Postconditions | Balance supplier is changed on metering point in DDM's system |
Optional/Mandatory | Mandatory |
Test steps | Expected Result |
| Request is successfully sent from the Ediel portal to Elhub |
2. Elhub confirms Move in | Step 2 is approved |
3. DDQ sends BRS-NO-101 to Elhub
| Request is successfully sent from the Ediel portal to Elhub |
4. Elhub confirms Change of Supplier | Step 5 is approved |
5. Receive NotifyStartOfSupply to DDM
| NotifyStartOfSupply is received by DDM |
6. Verify that DDM's system is updated correctly | Balance Supplier is changed on metering point |