BRS-NO-512 - Reporting Quota Obliged Consumption
The process of reporting Quota Obliged Consumption is initiated in the middle of the second month in each quarter. Elhub calculates and reports all volumes delivered for Quota Obliged Consumption in each Metering Grid Area to NECS. This report covers the aggregate volume for the preceding calendar year, as well as the aggregate volume to the end of the previous quarter for the current year. The results are available to the Balance Supplier in the Elhub Web Portal. The Balance Supplier can also access preliminary results approximately 2 weeks before the reporting date, any errors identified in the preliminary results are sorted out in collaboration between the Balance Supplier and Metered Data Responsible before the final reporting date.
Process Flow and Information Exchange

Sequence: Reporting Quota Obliged Consumption
Starting State
Elhub receives metering data from grid owners for interval settled metering points and periodic volumes for profiled metering points. Elhub uses the final preliminary estimated volume (FPPC) of the profiled metering points where reading is missing for the last period.
Process Flow
The process is time triggered. Elhub calculates Quota Obliged Consumption in each Metering Grid Area for each Balance Supplier. The certificate share in the master data on each metering point determines the portion of the consumption for which certificates are required.
The report for NECS is calculated in the middle of the second month of each quarter. Preliminary results are available to the Balance Suppliers approximately 2 weeks before the reporting date.
The report for NECS contains aggregated consumption for the preceding calendar year as well as aggregated consumption until the end of the previous quarter of the current year, for each Quota Obliged Party. This means that corrections will be reported to NECS in the normal process for current and previous year, but not further back.
Note that reporting in mid-February will include:
Aggregated Quota Obliged Consumption for the current reporting year, i.e., for the entire previous calendar year (year-1).
Aggregated Quota Obliged Consumption for the previous reporting year, i.e., for the entire calendar year two years back in time (year-2).
For more details around the calculation and how the results are peresentet in Elhub Aktørportal, see: Beregning og utstedelse av elsertifikater
Validation Rules
In this process there is only Elhub sending messages. No messages will be received for validation.
Description | Sender | Receiver | Deadline |
Quota Obliged Consumption | Elhub | NECS | Four times a year: |
References between Process and Transactions
The table below presents all messages in the Sequence Diagrams above. The messages are defined by the vendor of NECS, Grexel.
Process component | Parameter | BIM | Message | Document type | Reason |
NECS_QuotaObligedConsumption |