BRS-NO-501 - Reporting structure data for Imbalance Settlement
The Imbalance Settlement Responsible (ISR) is responsible for registering the market participants that are active in each MGA, as well as contracts between the Balance Responsible Party and the Balance Supplier. These contracts may include balance responsibility for production and/or consumption. The ISR reports structure data for deliveries within each MGA to Elhub, i.e., which combinations of Balance Suppliers and Balance Responsible Parties that are active in the MGA.
The ISR needs to know which data it will receive in order to determine if reporting for an MGA is complete. Elhub therefore reports production metering points per MGA and the products delivered per Balance Supplier per MGA. The information is reported per MGA and the message only includes changes that has occurred since the previous report.
ISR reports the following to Elhub:
Balance Suppliers and BRPs active in the MGA.
Elhub reports the following to the ISR/eSett:
Consumption products delivered by Balance Supplier (consumption – interval/profile, grid losses, imbalance in MGA, pumped hydro, etc.).
Production Metering Points in MGA.
Process Flow and Information Exchange

Sequence: Reporting structure data for Imbalance Settlement
Starting state
This process will be set up to get new changes from ISR and report the structure ISR automatically once a day.
Process Sequences
Elhub checks for changes related to the active Balance Supplier or Balance Responsible Party coming from ISR.
Elhub checks if there has been added or made changes to any production unit.
Elhub checks if there has been added or made changes to any consumption aggregation series.
Changes can involve both new Balance Supplier has entered and that a Balance Supplier has left the MGA. Changes in production units may also involve both new and removed.
The complete set of messages and business logic are found in eSett BRS document.
Validation Rules
There are no validation rules for the received messages
Description | Sender | Receiver | Deadline |
Structure Data for Imbalance Settlement | Elhub | ISR | Daily |
Structure Data for Imbalance Settlement | ISR | Elhub | Daily |
References between Process and Transactions
The table below presents all messages in the sequence diagrams above with reference to section and message specifications in the document BRS for Master Data document from eSett.
Process component | Parameter | Message | Document type | Reason |
Structure data to eSett | Defined in eSett BRS for Master Data | |||
Structure data from eSett | Defined in eSett BRS for Master Data |