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BRS-NO-511 - Reporting Produced Volume to Registry responsible Elcertificates


Elhub reports produced volume to NECS for entitled production units. Produced volume are reported to NECS every day for the usage day 14 days back in time, volume will be specified in MWh per day based on interval values per metering point

Changes after D+12 are not reported to NECS as it is expected that data are correct on D+12. Any changes after D+12 must be handled directly between the Certificate obliged party and NECS.

Reported volumes are used by NECS for issuing of both elcertificates and guarantees of origin.

Elhub can report production from any metering point defined in a grid area, not only a metering grid area settled by NBS. As long as a grid area and a metering point has been defined, and NECS have updated the reporting structure to include it, Elhub can e.g. report a production point behind a Prosumer ("Plusskunde").

Process Flow and Information Exchange


Sequence: Reporting Produced Volume to Registry responsible Elcertificates

Starting State

Elhub reports data to NECS D+13 at 3 AM. Start time can be changed by the Elhub Operator.

Process Flow

  • Elhub receives updates of the metering points to be reported to NECS, from NECS

  • Elhub reports produced volume for the defined metering points to NECS. 

  • In cases where the production refers to pumped storage, the consumption for pumping is reported separately but in the same file to NECS. This also applies to plants where water is pumped between reservoirs used by several production units. This means that the pump energy is not tied to a specific production unit.

  • Data is reported per Metering Point in MWh per day with three decimal places.

For more details around the calculation and how the results are peresentet in Elhub Aktørportal, see: Beregning og utstedelse av elsertifikater

Validation Rules

In this process it is only Elhub sending messages. No messages will be received for validation.

Deadlines for BRS-NO-511 Reporting Produced Volume to Registry responsible Elcertificates





Produced Volume *)




*) The same also applies for consumption in the cases cited.

References between Process and Transactions

The table below presents all messages in the Sequence Diagrams above. The messages are defined by the vendor of NECS, Grexel.

Process component




Document type




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