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40 - Update Of Shared Production - from Grid Access Provider

Request Update Of Shared Production - from Grid Access Provider

This process is used to set up shared production for a group of metering points. Shared production is when one or more production or combined metering points share their production with one or more consumption metering points. The production/combined metering points will then be referred to as the contributors, and the consumption metering points as the recipients. When setting up shared production the production channels on the contributors will be changed to not-settled, while the recipients will be turned into combined metering points with a settled production channel. 

Sequence diagram Request Update Of Shared Production

Request Update Of Shared Production.jpg


Messages Request Update Of Shared Production

The messages used in the proccess are described below:


Code usage

Element Name


Code list responsible


Document Type



Request to update Shared Production

Business Process



Update Of Shared Production

Business Process Role



Grid access provider

Message implementation guide

Ref: RequestUpdateSharedProduction

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