XML namespaces are used for providing uniquely named elements and attributes in an XML document.
In Elhub message collaboration all XML instance documents must contain a namespace definition (xmlns) with prefix rsm in the root element.
The content of the namespace definition must be urn:no:elhub:emif:<Package>:<Message name>:<Major version>.
Package is one of the following:
- market - Messages supporting the market processes
- masterdata - Messages regarding masterdata
- metering - Messages supporting the metering processes
- necs - Messages reporting data to the Norwegian Energy Certificate System.
- query - Messages regarding query processes
- thirdpartyacces - Messages handling thirdparty access
Message name is one of the messages specified in Elhub messages - Overall.
Major version is the major version number of the message with prefix v.
In addition a namespace with prefix abie must be added in the root element with the following content: urn:no:elhub:emif:common:AggregatedBusinessInformationEntities:<Major version>
This in order to reuse business data types, aggregated business information entities and code lists in the messages.
< rsm:RequestStartOfSupply xmlns:rsm= "urn:no:elhub:emif:market:RequestStartOfSupply:v1" xmlns:abie= "urn:no:elhub:emif:common:AggregatedBusinessInformationEntities:v1"……>
<rsm: Header >
< abie:Identification >123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000 </abie: Identification >