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Cancellation of a message is implemented by resending the message with a different document type with reference to the original message. Document type E02 is used for cancellation of start and end of supply and E67 for cancellation/rollback in general.
A message may be cancelled until it is executed. The execution time is dependant of the type of message and is described in the Business Requirement Specification.
Cancellation of a message will simply prevent the process from being executed.


Rollback of a message is implemented by resending the message with a different document type with reference to the original message. Document type E02 is used for rollback of start and end of supply and E67 for rollback in general. 
A rollback of a message is performed after the message is executed and implies that all events triggered by the original message must be reversed. 
In contrast to cancellation, a rollback is performed by using tailormade business processes.  

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