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9 - Reconciliation - to Balance Supplier

Reconciliation  – to Balance Supplier

The reconciliation process runs in Elhub once a month and calculates aggregated values per balance supplier/metering grid area split into profiled and non profiles metering points. Only metering points where metering values are changed after the closing of the balance settlement are included in the calculation.
The result of the calculation is reported to the balance suppliers in this process by the message PriceVolumeCombinationForReconciliation.
In 5.5 it is possible to order the reconciliation manually by using query type code STLM and business type equal to RE01 or RE02.

Sequence diagram reconciliation – to balance supplier



Message reconciliation – to balance supplier

The message used in the process is described below.

Price Volume Combination for Reconciliation

Code usage

Element name


Code list


Document Type



Validated metered data, time series

Business Process



Reporting data for reconciliation

Business Process Role



Balance Supplier

Message Implementation Guide Ref. PriceVolumeCombinationForReconciliation


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