Elhub Business Information Model (BIM) and Elhub Messaging Interface (EMIF)
Here are the changes related to Elhub Business Information Model (BIM) and Elhub Messaging Interface (EMIF) that will be added with the 15 minute project.
The current version can be found here under "Edielstandard". The new version of BIM and EMIF that will be implemented with the 15-minute project accordingly.
Change log for EMIF Files v2.3
Bumped version from 2.2 to 2.3
Made changes to BIM related to 15 minute resolution in imbalance settlement (see table below for details)
Made changes related to technical dept:
Changes to boolean elements
Type for all boolean elements are changed from xsd:boolean to Elhub_boolean restricting legal values to true and false only. Standard is that 0 and 1 are legal values for boolean in addition to true and false. This restriction has been in place from before but the BIM was never updated. Elements with changed type:
Restriction on dateTime elements
New type: Elhub_dateTime9DecType. Used by the following elements:
Changed pattern for Elhub_dateTimeType from ".+T.+(Z|[+-].+)" to "[1-9][0-9]{3}-.+T[^.]+(|\.[0-9]{0,3})(Z|[+\-].+)". Used by the following elements:
Restriction on Metering Point ID
Changed from restriction on length only (18 characters) to that all characters must be numeric. Pattern used: "[0-9]{18}"
Changes to sorting
Alphabetic sorting of XSD elements is done in following order:
simpleType elements sorted alfabetically
complexType elements sorted alfabetically
v2.2 with alphabetic sorting are included in the EMIF files package for easier comparison
Updated example XMLs, bindings and SOAP UI files to take into consideration the 2.3 changes to the BIM
Changes to BIM related to 15 minute resolution in imbalance settlement
Change | File / Type | Type / Format | Contained i message(s) | Comment | |
1 | New enumeration: | common/Elhub_BusinessDataType.xsd | enum values: | ||
2 | Add 5 minute resolution to DurationCodeType | common/Elhub_BusinessDataType.xsd, | New enum value: PT5M (will not be used a this point) | CollectedData | |
3 | Add 5 minute resolution to ChannelResolutionType | common/Elhub_BusinessDataType.xsd, | New enum value: PT5M (will not be used a this point) | NotifyStartOfSupply | |
4 | Add new product codes | common/Elhub_BusinessDataType.xsd, enumeration: Elhub_ProductIdentifierCode | New enum values:
| CollectedData | 89 (Elhub) is added as valid schemeAgencyIdentifer |
5 | Add new business types | common/Elhub_BusinessDataType.xsd, enumeration: BusinessTypeCode | New enum values:
| NotifyValidatedDataForBillingEnergy | |
6 | New element: MeterReadingOccurrence | common/ Elhub_ AggregatedBusinessInformationEntities.xsd Type: Elhub_DetailMeteringPointCharacteristicType | Type: MeterReadingOccurrenceType Cardinality: 0..1 | NotifyStartOfSupply | |
7 | New element: ExcludeFromSettlement | common/ Elhub_ AggregatedBusinessInformationEntities.xsd | Type: Elhub_boolean | NotifyStartOfSupply | |
8 | Replace element : SettlementMethodType | common/ Elhub_ AggregatedBusinessInformationEntities.xsd | Type: Elhub_BusinessTypeType | PriceVolumeCombinationForReconciliation |